
Member#: 6644 Location: Registered: 27-05-2007 Diary Entries: 3152
10th June 2017
Windsurfing: The Dip-Felixstowe Wind Direction: ssw Wind Stength: 10/22 Surf / Sea State: lumpy Air Temperature: Sea Temperature: Weather: sunny and warm Max Speed: 26.43 (knots - unless stated otherwise) Distance Covered: 44.14 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
Saturday 10th June – windsurf **** The Dip – Felixstowe, Sunny and
F2 Xantos 147 + 8.5. Tushingham Lightning - 44 cm fin
F2 Xantos 133 + 7.8 Tushingham Lightning - 42 cm fin
F2 Ride 282 + 6.5 Tushingham Lightning - 29 cm fin
26.43kt max, 23.95kt ave., 20.80kt mile, 81.80km., 12.47 alpha, 7 hours at
the beach.
Nice sunny day so headed down to The Dip at Eleven, no one there and 20 mph
ssw on the gauge so took a chance with 6.5 on the 282. Roger Vickers had
turned up so I was the Guinee pig. Sadly, I was way underpowered so came
ashore and rigged 7.8 for the 133. Neil and Linda Hurrell arrived fresh
from a great break surfing in Devon so had a good moan with them and some
delicious cake Linda had baked. I then headed out on the bigger kit but the
wind was up and down so i came ashore and swopped to the 147 with the 7.8
but I was still under and was struggling to get up wind against the current
so came ashore and rigged my third sail of the day my 8.5. This was much
better and several sailors had arrived plus six kiters, the sea was the
usual Felixstowe chop but interesting in the white water in the river
Later in the afternoon the wind increased so I beat to the other side of
the pier going out two miles to cut down on the gybes and had a great three
and a half mile broad reach back but a little under so not flat out. It
hadn’t been a fast day only making just under 23 kts while Mark Smalling
racing Swainy had made nearly 25kts! So, with the tide low now, the wind up
and the sea a little flatter I had one last go and had three good runs
including my best at 26.43 kts :) I was on the beach over seven hours
covering 81.80km :) Just four stars as the last hour with better wind made
the day especially with wall to wall sunshine!
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